- Prof. José Antonio Encinar obtained the “EuRAAP Antenna Award 2022”, for his pioneer contributions to reflectarray antennas for space applications. The aim of this award is to recognise the contribution of an individual person to technical & scientific advances, education and coordination of research & networking activities in the fields of Antennas & Propagation in Europe.
- Premio de investigación desarrollada en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (28-01-2022). José Antonio Encinar ha sido distinguido con el máximo galardón que otorga la UPM en reconocimiento a su actividad investigadora, el impacto de sus publicaciones científicas, su larga trayectoria como IP en proyectos internacionales de diversos programas europeos, sus patentes y su experiencia en gestión universitaria. https://short.upm.es/crwvq
- Primer premio del “UPM2T, the deep tech venture validation programme”, organizado por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Diciembre 2021), a la tecnología UPM más innovadora del año, con la propuesta:
REFLESAT: “Antenas Reflectarray Avanzadas para Satélites”, presentada ante un panel de expertos de la industria, por Daniel Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar, Eduardo Martínez de Rioja y Manuel Arrebola. Más información en: actúaupm: Conoce las tres tecnologías ganadoras del UPM2T 2021 (actuaupm.blogspot.com)
- Finalista del Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnológicas 2021, en los Premios a la Investigación 2021 de la Real Academia de Doctores de España (Diciembre 2021). José Daniel Martínez de Rioja del Nido, “New antenna configurations based on reflectarrays to generate multi-spot coverage in ka-band from geostationary satellite”. Director: José A. Encinar.
- Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en la categoría de Proyecto Más Innovador en Nuevas Tecnologías, Premios Captación de Talento en Innovación Tecnológica 2021 del Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Noviembre 2021).José Daniel Martínez de Rioja del Nido, “New antenna configurations based on reflectarrays to generate multi-spot coverage in ka-band from geostationary satellite”. Director: José A. Encinar.La entrega de los Premios Captación de Talento en Innovación 2021 del Ayuntamiento de Madrid se ha celebrado en La Nave de Villaverde, el 27 de noviembre de 2021. El Ayuntamiento, a través del Área Delegada de Innovación y Emprendimiento, reconoce con estos premios a las mejores tesis doctorales y trabajos fin de máster en el ámbito de la innovación, presentados en el último año en las universidades madrileñas. El concejal delegado de Innovación y Emprendimiento, Ángel Niño, ha resaltado que los Premios Captación de Talento “ayudan a transmitir el conocimiento, la innovación y la investigación a la sociedad”. Ver video
- Extraordinary Doctoral Award, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2020). Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, to the PhD Thesis: “New advances on multi-frequency and multi-beam reflectarrays with application to satellite antennas in Ka-band”. Advisor: José A. Encinar.
- Second Annual Competition Award “Scientific Article of the Month” (December 2019) at University of Seville, to the work “Efficient spectral domain MoM for the design of circularly polarized reflectarray antennas made of Split rings”, published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (March 2019). Authors: Rafael Florencio Díaz, Rafael Rodríguez Boix, José A. Encinar.
- Finalist to UPM_innovatech 2T Challenge 2019, for innovative Technologies, with the proposal: Aerialc: Low-cost and high-gain antennas based on Liquid Crystals (LC) technology for electronic beam scanning”, presented to the Industry by Gerardo Pérez Palomino y Eduardo Carrasco Yépez. http://upminnovatech.blogspot.com/2019/12/premios-upminnovatech-2t-challenge-2019.html
- Young Researchers Award in the Conference “Spanish URSI 2019” (Sept. 2019), to the work: “Design of multibeam parabolic reflectarray for high throughput satellites in Ka-band”. Authors: Daniel Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar, Antonio Pino, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Marcos Arias, “Design of multibeam parabolic reflectarray for high throughput satellites in Ka-band”.
- Accésit to the Young Researchers Award Accésit to the Young Researchers Award in Spanish URSI Conference (Sept. 2019), to the work, “Dual Reflectarray Configurations for Multibeam Satellite Antennas in Ka-band”. Authors: Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar, Antonio Pino, Borja González Valdés, Yolanda Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Marcos Arias, “Dual Reflectarray Configurations for Multibeam Satellite Antennas in Ka-band”.
- HISDESAT Award to the best PhD thesis in the topic “Government Satellite Services” XXXIX Award Edition COIT/AEIT (June 2019). Eduardo María Martínez de Rioja del Nido. “New advances on multi-frequency and multi-beam reflectarrays with application to satellite antennas in Ka-band”. Advisor: José A. Encinar.
- IBM Award for Best Academic Career. XXXIX Award Edition COIT/AEIT (June 2019).
Irene Ortiz de Saracho Pantoja. Advisor: José Ramón Montejo Garai
- HISPASAT Award to the best Master Thesis in the topic of New Technologies for Communications Satellites. XXXIX Award Edition COIT/AEIT (June 2019). José Daniel Martínez de Rioja del Nido “Design and Experimental Validation of Reflectarrays to Generate Four Adjacent Beams Per Feed For Multi-Spot Satellite Antennas”. Advisor: José A. Encinar.
- Nomination to ‘Best Paper Award on Antenna Design’, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP (Abril 2019), for the work: “Design of Bifocal Dual Reflectarray Antennas in Ka-band to Generate a Multi-Spot Coverage from Geostationary Satellites”. Authors: Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar, Antonio Pino, Borja González Valdés“Design of Bifocal Dual Reflectarray Antennas in Ka-band to Generate a Multi-Spot Coverage from Geostationary Satellites”.
- ETSIT-ISDEFE Award for Best Itinerary in the Specialty of MUIT Communications Systems, November 2018. Irene Ortiz de Saracho Pantoja. Advisor: José Ramón Montejo Garai.
- URSI Young Researchers Award 2018 at the XXXIII National (Spanish) Symposium of the URSI (Sept. 2018), for the work: “3D Bifocal Design Method for Dual Reflectarray Configurations with Application to Multi-Beam Satellite Antennas in Ka-Band” Authors: Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar, Rafael Florencio, Carolina Tienda, “3D Bifocal Design Method for Dual Reflectarray Configurations with Application to Multi-Beam Satellite Antennas in Ka-Band”
- Extraordinary Doctoral Award for thesis defended during the 2015-2016 academic year, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (January 2018). Rafael Florencio Díaz, “Contribution to efficient analysis and performance improvement of reflectarray antennas”. Advisors: José A. Encinar Garcinuño y Rafael Rodríguez Boix.
- Accesit to the Young Researchers Award 2017 at the XXXII National (Spain) Symposium of the URSI (Sept. 2017), for the work: “Design of reflectarrays to generate four adjacent beams per feed for multi-spot satellite antennas”. Authors: Daniel Martínez de Rioja, José A. Encinar.
- Award for The Best Academic Career in Telecommunication Engineering, XXXV Edition COIT/AEIT Awards (Oct. 2015). Eduardo Martínez de Rioja
- Award for best Master Thesis in Telecommunications Networks and Services. XXXV COIT/AEIT Awards Edition (Oct. 2015). Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, “Study and simulation of LTE radio interface in high-speed trains”.
- Special Mention: Third best academic curriculum of the LXXXVII Promotion of Engineers of the E.T.S.I. of Telecommunications, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Julio 2015)
Eduardo Martínez de Rioja
- Finalists of the Award for Best Innovation Project for Telecommunications Satellites, convened by Hispasat on its 25th anniversary, for the Project: “Antenna Feeding Network for new generation SATellite communications”, presented by Carlos Alberto Leal Sevillano, Jesús María Rebollar Machain, José Ramón Montejo Garai and Jorge Alfonso Ruiz Cruz. 17/06/2015.
- Extraordinary Doctoral Award, from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (January 2015) to the PhD thesis: “Contribution to the Analysis of Waveguides and Design of Passive Components at Millimeter and Submillimeter-Waves”. Carlos Alberto Leal Sevillano. Advisors: Jesús M. Rebollar, José Ramón Montejo Garai
- Best student paper award of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP-2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, April-2014. Entidad concesionaria: The European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP). Carlos Alberto Leal Sevillano. Directores: Jesús M. Rebollar, José Ramón Montejo Garai
- Accésit al Premio Jóvenes Investigadores 2013 en el XXVIII Simposium Nacional de la URSI (Sept. 2013), por el trabajo: Rafael Florencio, José A. Encinar, Rafael R. Boix “Dual-Polarization Transmit-Receive Reflectarray Antenna Made of Cells with Two Orthogonal Sets of Coplanar Parallel Dipoles”.
- Jose A. Encinar was elevated to “Fellow Member” of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, for his contributions to the analysis and design of reflectarray antennas (2010).
- Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Networks and Telecommunication Services granted by FUNDACIÓN TELEFÓNICA in the XXIX Edition of COIT/AEIT Awards (May 2009). Manuel Arrebola Baena, “Contribution to the analysis and design of shaped-beam printed reflectarrays in complex configurations”. Advisor: José A. Encinar.
- Extraordinary Doctoral Award, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Enero 2009). Manuel Arrebola Baena, “Contribution to the analysis and design of shaped-beam printed reflectarrays in complex configurations”. Advisor: José A. Encinar.
- “2007 S. A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award”, granted by the “IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society”, to the paper: “Dual-Polarization Dual-Coverage Reflectarray for Space Applications”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagat., Vol. 54, Oct. 2006. Authors: Jose A. Encinar. L.Sh. Datashvili, J.A. Zornoza, M. Arrebola, M. Sierra-Castaner, J.L. Besada-Sanmartin, H. Baier, H. Legay.
- “2005 Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper”, granted by the “IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society”, for the work: “Three-Layer Printed Reflectarrays for Contoured Beam Space Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 52, mayo 2004. Authors: Jose A. Encinar ; J.A. Zornoza.
- Best Poster Award in the “28th ESA Antenna Workshop on Space Antenna Systems and technologies” (June 2005) for the work: “ARCO: A Spanish contribution to the improvement of array and reflectarrays with beam control”. Authors: J. Vassal’lo, A. Oñoro, F. Ares, A. Trastoy, M. Barba, J. E. Page, J. A. Encinar, O. Castro, L. de la Fuente, P. González, L. Cabria, J. A. García and A. Tazón.